The G.O.A.T.


There has been a lot of talk about the G.O.A.T. (Greatest of All Time). I find it curious that man always tries to elevate one person over another. And it generally has everything to do with some sort of exceptional talent and very little or nothing to do with accompanying character. The truth is that the greatest of all time was settled years ago, and the G.O.A.T. was actually the LAMB. He walked on water, turned water into wine, calmed storms, “healed all their diseases,” gave sight to the blind, died for you and me, and then walked out of the grave.

And that is why I wrote the book greatness. Jesus said, “The greatest is the servant.” Our definition of greatness is “selfless exceptionalism.” To be the best you can be for the purpose of making the lives of those around you better… to in essence serve your family, your team, your community, your state, your country, your world with the gifts and talents the Almighty has bestowed upon you. And not so that you can become the G.O.A.T., but so that you can walk in the ways of the LAMB.

Today’s picture is of me in our tiny little office in Utopia signing books recently. By God’s grace this message has hit a chord. We are overwhelmed by the orders. Beyond our imagination, but we are so thankful. We just received our third printing of “greatness.” 15,000 more books arrived while I was there signing last week. A lot of signing ahead. I have the privilege of signing every book that passes through our office. If you know of someone who could use the message of greatness this Christmas your gift to them is ready to ship from our sweet spot in Utopia. Happy Thanksgiving to each of you as you call out greatness in others.

“When John saw Jesus passing by, he said, ‘Look, the Lamb of God!’”
- John 1: 36 NIV

“For the Lamb at the center of the throne continuously shepherds them to the everlasting fountains of the water of life. And God will wipe from their eyes every last tear!”
- Rev. 7: 17 TPT

“…wonderfully blessed are those who are invited to feast at the wedding celebration of the Lamb!”
- Rev. 19: 9 TPT

Join Dr. Cook in the locker room, behind the bench, and in the boardroom as he shares the hidden principles of greatness. This unique vantage point and the stories that unfold will inspire and equip you on the journey to your dreams. greatness is open to all but only pursued by a few. It is the space beyond success where calling and legacy meet and a noble heart is required.

Get the book for yourself or as a gift and invite your loved ones to discover the space beyond success, the place of their true calling.