We live in a story. If we are perceptive, we see it unfolding right in front of our eyes. Our stories when shared inspire, encourage, and equip others as they live theirs. I am in the midst of what I call a 333 story for the ages right now. It is only partially revealed in an earthly sense, but already written in a heavenly sense. I thought I would share it with you today and then fill you in as it continues to unfold through the months and years.

A little over a year ago I completed writing my book “greatness.” I followed the exact blueprint that God had given to me through dreams and divine coaching. It was the defining message from my career in the peak performance arena. A gift I was called to leave for the next generation. God had me seal the final chapter with a defining message from Him. He said to keep it out of the traditional publishing arena and self-publish and put a $100 price on it. While it seemed unrealistic, I was following Him and not my logic.

A few months after I launched it, a young man down the street called and asked if we could meet so that I could mentor him using the book. I met with him and started the conversation by asking him to share with me his story. In the story, he told me he was a social media marketing professional. That caught my attention, and so I asked if he would help our ministry market the book. His out-of-the-box marketing strategy seemed perfect for the book.

Here is what happened. Put the pieces together and watch God work. He said that he would love to have a ministry to pour into and had been looking for one that could use his expertise. He took the book and put it on his social media platform, and an explosion happened that if I told you would sound like fiction. First of all, the value of the product needed to be at least $100 to work! Now I see God’s specific leading for that price point. In the past year, his help with the book funded our entire ministry and my family’s salary with money left over. More importantly the emails we have received, and comments on Facebook have overwhelmed us with how this book has changed lives.

Not long into it, he called an up-and-coming marketing tech genius for a consultation meeting in the midst of this miracle to get further expert advice for our book. Two hours into the conversation, they became fast friends. Within a few weeks, this consultant hired my friend to help raise funds for and promote a unique social media tech engine that his start-up company was developing. It is this very engine that is helping our book knock it out of the park. Our book has become the prototype for this new marketing algorithm engine. To help out I made a couple of calls to friends I thought would be potential investors. They along with some of our extra funds made from the book funded the project that literally has the potential to become a billion-dollar business. My young friend is now an integral part of that company and is on the ride of a lifetime. Why? Because he said, he wanted to give a portion of his time and energy to serve our ministry. What started as me mentoring him, God changed to him mentoring me. This story has just begun. It all started with an absolute out-of-the-box vision and revelation from God. Make a call to God and ask Him for one right now and buckle your seat belt. God's phone number is below. It is simple to remember, 333.

“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” - Jeremiah 33:3

Join Dr. Cook in the locker room, behind the bench, and in the boardroom as he shares the hidden principles of greatness. This unique vantage point and the stories that unfold will inspire and equip you on the journey to your dreams. greatness is open to all but only pursued by a few. It is the space beyond success where calling and legacy meet and a noble heart is required.

Get the book for yourself or as a gift and invite your loved ones to discover the space beyond success, the place of their true calling.