
“The truth was that I was comfortable with the way things were. Comfort zones are just that—comfortable. And so are some traditions. Comfort is a safe place to hide. But it is also the enemy of innovation and the destroyer of new thought or even spiritual revelation. It can hold back the wisdom of creativity and squelch the dreams of man. And in the long run, it could conceivably steal your destiny.” -Seven Days in Utopia, p. 84

Today’s picture is one of my favorites. It is the renovated USS Constitution, a historic warship that never lost a battle. It is clipping along at about 5 knots while the latest fighter jets are blasting by the mast at 400 knots. Though the ship never lost a battle, it is worthless as a battleship today against these jets, even though it was carrying several admirals and the most talented midshipmen of the day in this picture. That picture screams the word change. If we had stayed comfortable with our victories with that ship, we would have lost WWI and WWII. The next time you hear someone say, “It’s because that is the way we have always done it,” it might just be your opening to change the destiny of that individual or company or family or church…

“In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” - Acts 2:17

(What if it is your sons and daughters? Your husband or wife? Your closest friend? Your parents? Or even you… Does your theology, church, Bible study group have room for this promise from God?) 

Join Dr. Cook for a Fireside Master Class
in the Texas Hill Country.

greatness LIVE! • Fredericksburg, TX • Nov 9, 2023

 greatness LIVE is an intimate fireside chat Master Class experience based on the best-selling book by acclaimed peak performance coach, Dr. David L. Cook.

Join us on November 9that The Nimitz Gallery and Hotel in beautiful Fredericksburg, Texas, for a day of inspiring stories and life-changing principles from Dr. Cook’s four decades of peak performance coaching.