A Monet Moment

Obsessed by failure earlier in the week, I had been too preoccupied to experience life beyond the surface, missing what Monet lived to paint.
— Page 103, Seven Days in Utopia

Three major events are happening simultaneously right now. One of the greatest downturns in American economic history, an uncompromising epidemic, and… Spring. Sitting on my back porch, I was just trying to catch my breath for a moment after feeling the weight of it all. All of a sudden a bluebird shows up, then a cardinal. Then I notice that the redbud tree was in full bloom along with an amazingly fragrant tree next to it in the green belt behind the house. I could hear the spring flowing as well between the melodic singing of the mockingbird perched proudly on the highest branch of the stately oak. The breeze was light yet full of the mixing bowl of fragrant scents of wildflowers and emerging grass. Time stood still once again. I noticed. I had been so obsessed with the happenings in the world, that I missed what Monet lived to paint.

Later that evening, my wife and I took a walk under the glorious stars that were born on the fourth day of history. God reminded me that He is big, that He alone is our security, and that He will speak if we but take the time to notice. It's Spring and He has something to say to each of us in this annual miracle of re-birth.


“So, which one of you by worrying could add anything to your life?”

Matthew 6:27 TPT