How Is This Move Going?

We have been in our new house in Texas for just over two weeks. We move often as the Lord directs our steps. This is the 21st roof I have lived under in our married life. Every time has been a specific call from God. So how is this move going?

A few days ago we went to the grand opening of the “Beloved Art Gallery” just up the road in Marble Falls, Texas. It houses the world famous art of Akiane, the child prodigy who met God at the age of 4, converted her parents soon after who were atheist through her art, and painted the most acclaimed picture of Jesus in the world at the age of 11. The painting is called the “Prince of Peace.” It had been lost for twenty years and couple from here found it and bought it for 1 million dollars brought it here and opened the gallery with Akiane’s anointed art and poetry and with her blessing. I stood ten feet away and was undone. It was overwhelming. The anointing on that work penetrates every soul that peers into His eyes.

Yesterday we had a call with our 30-year-old black intercessor from Ft. Worth. We first met her in line at a grocery store with her two little girls. She had spent most of her money on two pre-made PBJ sandwiches for her girls. She said it didn’t make any sense to her, but God told her to come to this Whole Foods and do this for her girls. We sat with them, loved on them and them on us. Little did we know of her great love for God and her amazing anointing. She sees and hears from God like no one we had ever met. We helped her get on her feet and she began to intercede for us. She has transformed our faith and ministry.

After the call with her we found ourselves sitting around our kitchen table with our house painters, a 40-year-old man from Mexico who spoke broken English and his wife from Honduras who can only speak Spanish. Also at the table was a young contractor who said Jesus had transformed him from a dark past and a beautiful new friend of Karen’s that was our age and single from a painful divorce several years back. The painters stopped painting two days ago to pray for my knee. They are powerful in the Spirit, unlike any I have ever seen. The wife asked if she could wash my feet first (remember I wrote about foot washing two weeks ago!!). Then they prayed fervently with tears and shaking in Spanish and their prayer language three times until there was a significant breakthrough. While they prayed, I saw the most beautiful angel with golden thread sowing my injured knee back together.

So yesterday, prayer broke out around the table for a couple of hours as God spoke to us and through us to each other. The fellowship was deep and the experience divine. And language, socio-economic differences, our past lives, nor anything else hindered. It was a time out of time. No seminary training or degrees, no church leader experience… we were the church. No rules, no regulations, no religion. It was a room full of love straight from Heaven.

So back to my question, “how is this move going…” You tell me. Since being here our lives have been touched and altered by a child prodigy, our black intercessor, our Hispanic painters, a young on fire contractor and Karen’s new friend, a lover of Jesus. This is what God’s family looks like and it is beautiful.

All the believers were in fellowship as one body, and they shared with one another whatever they had
- Acts 2:44 TPT