Audacious Dreams

We are on day 12 of our Spirit-led road trip following the prompting of the Lord. Today’s message is about big dreams. Last week, we were led to visit my friend’s golf club in the middle of nowhere, Nebraska. The closest town with a major airport is 3.5 hours away. Truly a testament to a dream that God gave him 20 years ago to purchase and build this one-of-a-kind course on some of the most glorious sand hill land we have ever seen. On the final evening, we found ourselves praying over two women by the firepit. We had never met them. They asked what we were doing there, and we told them. They wanted what we have… a relationship with the Lord that would lead them on a supernatural journey. Paul’s bigger dream was that these kinds of encounters would happen as he courageously threw caution to the wind and built this place for God’s purpose in the middle of nowhere. His dreams came true that starlit night on a prairie in Nebraska.
Several days later, we were in Billings, Montana. I spoke there about 13 years ago at a donor banquet. One of the donors there brought his high school son, Danny. He was inspired by my message and wanted to know how to become a sports psychologist. Danny began dreaming that night of doing what I do and using it for the Lord’s purpose. A year later, I returned, and Danny and I continued our conversation about his dream as we float-fished the Bighorn River. I haven’t seen Danny for 12 years. He ended up earning his Ph.D. in sports psychology, and I was privileged to mentor him during that process. He is married now and has three beautiful children. We had a “time out of time” dinner with them this week in their backyard and marveled at his dream come true.
And finally, yesterday, we found ourselves invited to play at one of the most incredible yet remote golf facilities/communities in existence. We drove 15 minutes up a mountain dirt road outside Deer Lodge, Montana, to discover a piece of heaven. A gentleman had a dream to buy a 30,000-acre cattle ranch and build a world-class golf course and mountain community in the middle of a high mountain valley. It’s called “Rock Creek Cattle Company.” See The GM there is an old PGA friend of mine. God continues to weave our paths together throughout the years. He randomly paired me with a founding member. What he didn’t know was that this founding member was a very influential investor in my movie. I hadn’t seen this investor since the official world premiere in Atlanta at the PGA Championship in 2011. It was a special day of fellowship and a re-igniting of our friendship… a day marveling at the owner’s dream… a day marveling at God’s dream to me of producing a movie, and God’s call on this man to join me on that adventure. When I told him that we have 24,000 confirmed individuals that have crossed the line with Jesus because of the movie, his eyes moistened, and he knew that he was an integral part of two big dreams on this day.
And the Spirit-led journey is to be continued. Heading to Whitefish, Montana tomorrow…