Utopia Christmas Tree

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I wrote this several years ago but it expresses my heart for you this Christmas as well.

Here is a Utopia Christmas tree. It’s my present to you since you can’t be here right now. I thought you would like it. Like me you long to be in such a place… to catch a glimpse of the daily “Obra Maestra” painted upon the backdrop of Utopia. This one left me breathless as I walked the Sabinal River bed. The peculiar silence offered a stage for this demonstration of awe. I watched as God’s brush stroke of colors caused the heart shaped ornaments to applaud in celebration. The crisp north breeze created a rustle and I noticed… what Isaiah wrote about several thousand years before. “You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace. The hills will burst in song before you, and all the trees will clap their hands…” 

It’s as though their one last great purpose on earth was to usher in Christmas with applause from heaven. For a moment I stood alone yet not alone… a man made out of star dust brought to life by the breath of the Almighty for this moment… and then as if Isaiah were there whispering in my ear, I heard his great prophetic masterpiece speaking of “The Christmas” morning… 

“For to us a child is born, to us a child is given… and He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

And so the meaning of Christmas enveloped me as the leaves celebrated with the angels in the Sabinal Valley of Uvalde County.

Is there someone in your life that needs to experience Utopia this Christmas? Visit the Links of Utopia store (https://www.linksofutopia.com/store) for book and DVD gifts that will inspire and prepare your loved ones for their sacred journey. Merry Christmas and know I love the journey with you.

Your friend on this sacred journey,

David L. Cook



Share Golf's Sacred Journey This Season

Invite your loved ones to take their own sacred journey with books from the Links of Utopia store. With our 2 for 1 book deals you can keep one and gift one, or gift both, to people in your lives that are in need of a message from Johnny this Christmas. 


David L. Cook