Winning the Gold in Your Backyard

Many of you have been inspired in some manner by the Olympic Games. For me it was Mondo Duplantis in the Pole Vault. He set a world record on his final attempt on the world’s biggest stage.

Watching old videos of him learning to Vault in his backyard in Louisiana brought powerful memories of me doing the same in my backyard. We built a makeshift vaulting runway and pit (without padding, we had to land on our feet!!) in my backyard when I was an early teen. My friends and I would go to the local carpet company and ask for the leftover bamboo poles. The carpet was always wrapped around them back then. We named our poles and had an Olympic Games competition each day for weeks on end. It was an endless dream with new world records each day. It ignited our aspirations and was a seed to my life’s adventure chasing greatness. 

While my goals changed, my passion has never wavered. I am still in the chase, and I hope you are as well. Chasing greatness never ends. 

Below is an excerpt from my book “greatness” that I hope keeps the fire burning in you.

“For me The first step on the journey to greatness (selfless exceptionalism) is to identify where you want to go. Take a moment and picture metaphorically the trophy you would like to hold one day—the job title, the position, accomplishment, ownership of a business or home, tournament victory, a championship, MVP, a stage performance, acting role, earning potential, degree, accreditation, Academy Award, authoring a book, maybe even a best seller. The options are boundless. And just to be clear, we often have several goals at the same time. The process is the same for each of them.

The vision establishes a compass heading and provides an initial focus. It is the true north of your heart and desire and purpose. It is the critical first step on the journey. But it is only the penultimate step in the process.

The most critical step is next. Create an image of what it looks like 20 minutes before the trophy celebration. That is a very different yet real picture. To eventually hold a trophy we all have to go through the 20 minutes before the trophy celebration. It is a place of intense pressure. Mental chaos is raining down and the internal interference is stifling. For you this may literally be 20 minutes before the trophy celebration, or it becomes a metaphor for the defining moments or breakthroughs on your journey. Either way you need to exit the comfort zone now. This is anything but comfortable.

I created the greatness message to prepare you for these championship-defining moments. These moments don’t come along every day but be prepared as if they do. And often, they come during the tough times of life.”

- greatness, p. 9-10


“Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame.” - Isaiah 50: 7

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