Yesterday I was up early. I was about to pray as I gazed out my Colorado window. I could see about 50 miles of hills and mountains. There was light snow falling. I heard this verse over and over. I attempted to be still for a few moments. I was quickly distracted. So I started over. Again, distracted. Then the word “know” caught my attention, and everything changed. I wasn’t distracted, and the security of the Almighty took over my heart. I felt settled and secure for the first time in a long time. I could take a full breath. It was special.

This week’s blog is going to be influenced by you. Focus on this verse for 3-5 minutes, and then comment to us the word, images, sentences, and visions you have as you take God at His word. I am convinced that your experience will enhance your heart this day and all of us as we are allowed into this sacred moment with you.

 Be still and know I am God… then comment as led…

Thank you for being an active part of this message this week.

Be still, and know that I am God…”
- Psalm 46:10