Life’s Composer

It certainly began to feel like life’s Composer was behind the scenes, working with renewed passion on an old, discarded symphony.
— Seven Days in Utopia, p. 38


Do you ever feel like time is slipping by and your goals and dreams are dissipating quickly? Do you ever feel like life is passing you by, and the world doesn’t seem to notice or care? Have circumstances sucked the life out of your passions? Is your inspiration to achieve greatness down to the last ember in the fireplace? Do you remember Kurt Warner? He was stocking groceries for minimum wage one year, then a couple of years later won a Super Bowl in his first season as an NFL quarterback and was named Super Bowl MVP. He won MVP of the league a couple of years later and played in two more Super Bowls. In all, he played 14 years in the NFL and was inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame. Take heart, like Kurt, who gives all credit to the Lord, you have an advocate. Life’s Composer is never finished with you. He loves resurrecting what the world or circumstances or trauma have rendered insignificant. You are His symphony, and the music is glorious. There is much more in front of you. Grab hold of Him, talk to Him, listen to Him, trust Him, rest in Him, watch Him, and know that your life is an amazing symphony being renewed.

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”
- Isaiah 43: 19


My new book, greatness, is available at