Seemingly Insignificant


“Have you ever felt an overwhelming insignificance to your life, or failed and felt as though the world just passed you by, or found yourself in a baron place feeling hopeless and when looking around all you could see was a potential-less landscape?” 

David Cook, site visit to the Buried Lies Cemetery, Utopia, Texas, 3/22


As I stood at the buried lies cemetery recently on my yearly trek to Utopia, I was almost completely undone as I thought back to a conversation with a man years ago at that very spot. He was a person that could relate to the words above. He was the man that created The Links of Utopia Golf Course in a seemingly insignificant place a long way from anywhere. His name was Wayne and he was a failed goat rancher…
I wrote this about him in my book, Did He Make the Putt:
“At a deeper level, this man was following a precise plan orchestrated by God. He was an integral part of an unfolding rescue mission. Wayne is in heaven now. I often wonder if he realized the bigger story—the backstory that was playing out through his life. What I do know is that this failed goat rancher stepped out of his comfort zone, threw caution to the wind, and built a simple “playground” of a golf course on his land that brought people together. It became a gathering place for the community. I can only imagine his surprise and awe as he sees from his new vantage point how his little driving range and nine-holer touched the world and continues to change eternity. Without Wayne, this story would have abruptly ended.” - Did He Make the Putt, p. 30
Whatever you do, don’t give in to the lies that it is over for you or that you are insignificant, or that the landscape of your life is too baron to be of any use. While the enemy tries to take us out, God often uses these moments as a setup for an unfolding rescue mission. To date, because of Wayne, we have documented over 20,000 individuals that have buried their lies and entered the gates of heaven because of this goat ranch of a golf course that encircles, the Buried Lies Cemetery.

"But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before Him."
- 1 Corinthians 1:27-29

Join Dr. Cook in the locker room, behind the bench, and in the boardroom as he shares the hidden principles of greatness. This unique vantage point and the stories that unfold will inspire and equip you on the journey to your dreams. greatness is open to all but only pursued by a few. It is the space beyond success where calling and legacy meet and a noble heart is required.

Get the book for yourself or as a gift and invite your loved ones to discover the space beyond success, the place of their true calling.