As I think again about the recent groundbreaking brain research that seems to indicate the brain wasn’t built for perfection but for adapting, what we really should be training are mentally tough adapters, not perfectionistic performers. In other words, emergencies will be a part of the landscape because perfection is unlikely going to define the environment in which we live or perform. Therefore, performing to the top of our capabilities while adapting to imperfections (emergencies) in the environment, in business, in ourselves, and in the people with whom we interact is a champion’s blueprint for success and a cornerstone to mental toughness.

The world is in total chaos. The adaptors will rise above it all and their innovations will create some of the greatest opportunities ever, while the perfectionistic old school crowd will continue to see chaos and calamity rather than opportunity. Press into the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus called the Counselor, the Voice of all truth, and go with His amazing direction during this time.

“Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing. Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert.”
- Isaiah 43:19

Join Dr. Cook in the locker room, behind the bench, and in the boardroom as he shares the hidden principles of greatness. This unique vantage point and the stories that unfold will inspire and equip you on the journey to your dreams. greatness is open to all but only pursued by a few. It is the space beyond success where calling and legacy meet and a noble heart is required.

Get the book for yourself or as a gift and invite your loved ones to discover the space beyond success, the place of their true calling.