Here Is The Secret


What does it take to become the best of the best… a Champion? That is the question that has motivated me throughout my career and should light a fire in your curiosity.

Here is the secret. I have never seen this in a book. Those who become champions set different types of goals than others. Their goals have four distinct elements:

  1. Their goal is specific: measurable, quantifiable, chartable

  2. Their goal is tangible: they keep it before their eyes as much as possible

  3. Their goal is difficult: it stretches and inspires them

  4. Their goal is self-referenced: they understand that the best measure of success is them against themselves yesterday

The picture this week is of one of my NBA player’s game-day shoes. He had recently received a huge new contract. The contract actually became a distraction. He allowed the weight of expectations to cause unbearable pressure that was inhibiting his performance. He needed a goal, not a distraction upon which to focus. We created a specific measurable mental process for him (SFT). To keep it tangible he wrote it on the toe of his shoes so that he would see it often. This goal stretched and inspired him. And his measure of success was against himself. He ended up having the best year of his career by committing to these four distinct goal elements rather than the impossible goal of living up to unrealistic perfectionistic expectations.

Jesus’ goal for us: “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind… and love your neighbor as yourself.”
- Matthew 27:37-39

Join Dr. Cook in the locker room, behind the bench, and in the boardroom as he shares the hidden principles of greatness. This unique vantage point and the stories that unfold will inspire and equip you on the journey to your dreams. greatness is open to all but only pursued by a few. It is the space beyond success where calling and legacy meet and a noble heart is required.

Get the book for yourself or as a gift and invite your loved ones to discover the space beyond success, the place of their true calling.