Freedom and Chaos at the U.S. Open


“The U.S. Open is a step up from normal competition; it’s in a different league. Extreme variables, unforeseen challenges, monumental decisions,” Johnny said. “The U.S. open is about freedom in the chaos.”

“Freedom in the chaos?” I questioned.

“Mental chaos has stolen more majors than players want to admit,” Johnny answered. “Freedom has to trump chaos coming down the stretch. When destiny is on the line, defining moments are characterized by thought freedom, meltdowns by mental chaos.”

“To win an Open your belief roots must go deep. You will have to face adversity over and over as it tries to take you out. There can be no doubt in your mind that you belong there.”

- Golf’s Sacred Journey, The Sequel p. 32-33


"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you."
- Isaiah 26:3 NIV

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