
Someone is going to lead a revolution. It just might be you. Is it tradition you seek, or truth? Is it excellence, or acceptance? These are the questions of greatness. These are the questions that must be answered if a person is going to lead a revolution.
— Seven Days In Utopia - p. 87


Today’s picture is of friend and actor Lucas Black using a non-traditional putting stroke during the final scene of the movie, Seven Days in Utopia. All life-giving revolutions of thought, business, sport, industry, etc. that are life or world-changing have their origin in the soul. Something profound happens in one’s heart. It is a supernatural experience. The seed is planted and passion takes over that literally has the power to take down a false tradition and living to please others. But it must start in the soul and that is where God speaks. I have had many of those experiences including the putting technique mentioned above. Here are several of those moments in my life. They all point to God, not to me.

The first was to drop my engineering degree and pursue a new uncharted degree called Sport Psychology. Science was saying that if you were in better shape than others and out-practiced others you would win. Unfortunately for many, that never worked. The missing piece was the mind. A few years after earning my Ph.D., I was working with a young PGA Tour player who had missed five cuts in a row. I flew into the next tournament to encourage him. It would become a life-changing moment in time for both of our careers. We changed his thinking and his approach to the game. He also hit less range balls and had fun that week as he prepared for the tournament. It was a completely non-traditional tournament preparation week. On Sunday afternoon of that week with his new mental game in tow, he carried home the trophy and a wad of cash for his first victory on the PGA Tour.

The second was writing a book and making a movie where they both ended without the audience knowing the outcome. Totally non-traditional. The entire premise was to create a stir and curiosity so that people would take a journey by going to a website to find out the answer. That answer by design became the beginning of a revolution of the soul to 20,000 people to date who started a relationship with God and shed the lies of the enemy that were holding them back. And it was an absolute blood bath with several people of perceived power on the movie set that were in opposition to this non-traditional revolutionary ending and other critical elements in the film. The investors, a group of radical revolutionaries, finally had them removed allowing the original intent of the movie to emerge and subsequently 20,000 new revolutionaries.

And finally, the traditional publishing model hasn’t changed in 100 years. Authors write a book, give it to the publisher, and then discover that they can’t make a living on the royalties received. But they do have a nice shiny book with their name on it as if that matters at all. Most of these talented writers leave their gift behind to put food on the table. It is so sad. My latest book, greatness, breaks all the traditional rules. Every aspect of this book was precisely given to me through heavenly direction. It is the defining book of my career experiences and contains the tools to become a revolutionary. You have to be within two feet of the book to be able to read the title because of the small black print against a plain white background. Greatness is spelled with a small g and my name is barely noticeable on the cover. It forces the curious to have to lean in where most covers have conventional/traditional covers with titles and authors and colors that can be seen from 30 feet. It has a unique sealed chapter and author signature with each copy and it has a price that is 5x over the normal/traditional book price. And finally, it is self-published bucking the traditional model. It will never be put on Amazon. It has exploded on a cutting-edge social media platform and defied all the naysayers that told me it was doomed to failure, including several of my closest and dearest author buddies that are mired in the traditional model.

My prayer is that each of you experiences a revolution of the soul transforming the world and those around you for the better. This is the season for revolutionaries to rise up. To do this, it starts with an intimate discussion with the creator. Get ready for a great adventure when you do.


“Call to me and I will tell you deep and unsearchable things that you do not know.”
- Jeremiah 33:3