The Secret

So what is the secret to focus? First and foremost we know that those who set goals outperform those who don’t. Research is clear on that. The most robust of al findings in the performance psychology literature revolve around this truth. But lets take it a step further. Let’s take the goal setting group, the high performers, and lets split them into high achievers and champions. Why do some in the high performance group outperform others? What does it take to become the best of the best? That is the question that has motivated me throughout my career and should light a fire within your curiosity.

This is the secret. I have never seen this in a book. Those who become champions set different types of goals than others. Their goals have four distinct elements. They are specific, tangible, difficult, and self-referenced. That is the secret.…
— greatness - page 14

Making your goals measurable (specific), writing them where you can see them often (tangible), stretching your vision (difficult), and setting them against your greatest competitor—you yesterday (self-referenced) will produce the focus that leads to accomplished dreams in all walks of life. Join me on this greatness journey, the world needs the fearless and selfless and exceptional you more than ever right now.

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