The Question

Today's One Minute in Utopia is a short story the Lord downloaded to me earlier this week. I know it spoke to me, and I pray it speaks to many of you. It will take 3 Minutes in Utopia this week. Will you give Him the time?

The Question

And there he sat—an angelic being in front of a great door made of ancient wood. He sat there with the most gracious Spirit I had ever seen or encountered. Radiant with love and compassion and a kind and gentle Spirit, he was powerful and majestic, too. Around his neck was a key on a golden woven lanyard. His presence drew me in, and his smile said it all—such love. Then he spoke. 

"I've been expecting you. You dearly love the Father, yet there is so much pain."

His eyes moistened yet penetrated, and his countenance never changed. Kindness, peace, love…

It's in there as he pointed to the door. What you desire is in there. Freedom is in there. And what is in there is beyond any beauty you have experienced. You are so close. I was sent to give you this gift—this key. But first is the question of all questions. And when you are brave enough and courageous enough to answer it, this key is yours.

"What is the question I asked."

"You are here now because you know the answer. "He replied.

I was hopeful but fearful that I would fail. This fear always shadowed me. It was insidious. But he was safe. And so I waited as our eyes connected deeply. 

A tear slid down his cheek. Yet he didn't flinch. He pointed to a massive, beautifully jewel-adorned box beside the door. He asked if I wanted to see inside. 

"I said yes."

We approached the box, and with one hand, he lifted the lid. With the other, he gently embraced my shoulder. The lid raised, and inside were keys too numerous to count. 

"Some of these are for those that are ready. Some of the keys belong to those who walked away from the question. Many return, some never do. The question is everything. It's simple, but takes the courage of one who understands the nature of The Father."

Can you tell me more?" I asked

"Yes. Before the question, the truths of the Father have to be expressed. It is what puts you in position to fight for the answer."

"What truths are you talking about? I asked.

"It's the foundation. As I speak it, repeat each of these in your heart with me. In doing that, the atmosphere is prepared for the question."

"He is faithful, He is good, He is trustworthy, He is majestic and awe-inspiring, He is love, He is light, He is life, He is full of grace, He is merciful, He is powerful, He is wise, He is forbearing, He is righteous, He is holy, He is just, He is beautiful beyond imagination, He is all-knowing, He cares, He knows me and loves me beyond my wildest imagination, He created me, He says I am beautiful, He sings over me and has for my entire life, His dreams for me are beyond mine, He is forgiving, he is compassionate, He is for me, He hears my prayers, He desires me."

I thought I knew all of that, but as He spoke, I embraced it. I was undone. Each word captivated me. I knew this was true.

"And now, the question. And be ready for the agitation it will bring. It is the battle in you that rages. It's the battle of the insidious lies of the enemy. Fight for the answer. Declare your authority and resist the enemy, and he will flee. "

Gracious, I thought. After hearing and verbalizing the truths of the Father as my foundation, I thought the answer would be easy.

"You are ready; that is why I am here. That is why I am holding your key. You are done with pain. You are ready. Dig deep, contemplate, and speak from the truths above. Your Father already knows your answer. The closer you get to finding the answer the agitation will be fierce. You see, the battle is for eternity. It's everything. The liar knows it is the death knell to him."

My head was spinning, but my heart was willing.

"The answer will come from your heart, not your head." He taught as if he could see right through me. 

"I have a spot for you just over here in the green grass next to the brook."

It was right out of Psalm 23. I have longed for this spot. The grass was green, cool, and clean, and the water sparkled and looked like clear glass filled with beautiful gemstones of many colors. The sound was soothing.

"Sit and breathe," he encouraged in a voice that could calm a sea. You are ready. I'll ask you the question, and I'll be right over there by the door awaiting your answer."

And then came the question…

"Is there anything you have held back from God? Anything that you have not trusted Him with?"

It triggered me. Agitation and fury rose. The instrument panel was spinning out of control. I wanted to run away. It wasn't worth it; I'll just go and deal with the pain, I argued. This is stupid, the liar screamed in my head. And at that, I grasped for the truths of the Father, began to repeat them out loud, and fought valiantly for freedom. "He already knows, and He loves me," I thought.

The answers came in droves but they weren't THE answer. I knew they were but the fruit of a root. I fought on. I wanted to be free of the lies and of the clutching liar. I dug for the root, and as it appeared, I could tell that it was the root. I could see the many branches. It came down to one word. Triggers and sparks were flying. Anger, fury, disdain, almost caused me to throw up. Why did I have to answer this question? I thought. I was furious. Back to the truths I went, and a calm came over me. I had done it. I had fought for it and won. 

Exhausted, I walked over to the door, drenched in sweat and tears. I fought for the honest truth.

He removed that lanyard from around his neck and held it in his hand, knowing in His Spirit that I had the answer.

He looked with knowing, joy, and love so deep. He didn't ask for the answer; he waited.

"Control," I whispered…

He smiled and embraced me with such compassion and delight, knowing that many lose the battle and walk away to the cheers of the clutching liar.

"Will you give it to the Father?" He asked.

Thinking of the truths and how safe the Father truly is, I gave it away with no shame, no regrets, no fear. At that moment, the key was given, and I opened the door and entered a room of endless beauty and unopened gifts so numerous I couldn't count. I had entered the room of true purpose, joy, and freedom—a room filled with life. I had given away everything I had wanted to control to enter a place of truth. Oh my, the peace and hope. And the weight was gone. My false identity was gone.

The true journey was about to begin. I was new. I had genuinely died to me and gained everything. And then the Father spoke as he appeared.

"Welcome," He said. "Let's go on the adventures you have longed for."

He knew the word that thrilled me. He put His arm around my shoulder and led me into wonder. I was ready for all he had, I was free, and everything I had feared was now in play… it was a miracle of miracles… Freedom.


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