Beyond The Fray
“Life is a sacred journey. The clues abound. Ecclesiastes reveals, 'God has set eternity in the hearts of men.' Reality is stark, yet the backstory portal from heaven brings color to the grayness, music through the noise, and a magnolia fragrance in the midst of the pollution of the masses. Modern day parables emerge against this backdrop fueling the spirit.
Unsuspecting guides appear along the way as instruments in the hand of the Almighty. These encounters are as precise as the razor’s edge. Being distracted by either the mundane or intensity of life can cause you to miss this backstory— the story of awe. Because of grace, we often see our lives in a rear-view mirror that gives meaning to the path in front of us.”
- Did He Make the Putt?, Page 11
I believe we are in a time that we will encounter unsuspecting guides, parables all around us unfolding, and a lot of awe. Things will get chaotic between now and the election and beyond. Be looking beyond the fray and be expecting encounters with the Almighty. You are going to experience awe as never before. Be looking for the backstory of heaven to be revealed. Be strong and courageous…this is your time to be amazed.
"As earth itself holds its breath in awe before you, judgment is decreed from heaven."
- Psalms 76:8 TPT
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