When You Give You Live

When you forget about yourself and focus on those with whom I (God) cross your path, you will live fearlessly, knowing neither failure nor victory has any hold on you. You will be relentlessly competitive yet full of grace, tenacious yet full of peace.
— Golf’s Sacred Journey: The Sequel, p. 95-96.


There really is no power like selflessness. When we get our eyes off ourselves and look to the welfare and wellbeing of those around us greatness emerges. Too many are locked into the self-imposed prison of selfishness where control is the goal. Fear, worry, anxiety, depression, envy, jealousy, and pride are the barnacles that eventually destroy the hearts of these people. Selflessness that lifts others and serves as the goal of the goal leads to freedom, and freedom leads to otherworldly performances in life, business, and sport. Freedom replaces fear when we serve rather than take. I like to say, “When you give you live; when you take you ache.” Let the goal of your goal be to excel in order to enhance the lives of those around you.

One of the greatest privileges of my life was to be with David Robinson when he first met Tim Duncan. The first thing they did was play one-on-one at an outside court in Aspen. I sat under a pine tree and watched. Then we went to lunch and that is when it happened. David told Tim that his purpose was to help Tim become the new leader of the San Antonio Spurs. That selfless statement and the actions that followed provided Tim the confidence to shine and thrive and walk into his destiny. Why? Because the Admiral was a selfless teammate. They eventually won two NBA Championships together.

“Abandon every display of selfishness. Possess a greater concern for what matters to others instead of your own interests.”

- Philippians 2:4 TPT