Performance Revolutionaries

They were tradition breakers, revolutionaries,” Johnny said. “That’s what it takes. Change is uncomfortable for most people to accept, especially if it goes against the accepted teaching of the day. Tradition breakers push the envelope. When they do, they push buttons.” Johnny paused. “And those buttons often provoke anger, slander, and hatred.
— Golf’s Sacred Journey: The Sequel - Pages 37-38

Performance Revolutionaries:

  1. Dick Fosbury was the first high jumper to go over the bar backwards

  2. Pete Gogalak was the first soccer style field goal kicker

  3. Bradbury Robinson was the first quarterback to throw a forward pass

  4. Johnny Cooper was the first player to shoot a jump shot in basketball

  5. Chris Evert was the first person to use the two handed back hand in major tennis competition.

  6. Rick Berry was the first pro basketball player to shoot underhand free throws

The individuals above are inspiring. They found a better way, despite tradition. Are you called to be a revolutionary? We need revolutionaries that embrace truth but push the bounds of tradition if it is false tradition. When you walk with God and listen to God, don’t be surprised, in fact, be expecting to receive revolutionary ideas and thoughts. And these ideas from the Almighty will most likely go against groupthink, lead us out of performance prisons, and open the door to innovation and creativity. When Jesus told Peter to, “put out into the deep and let down the nets for a catch,” it led to the catch of a lifetime for Peter… his boat began to sink with all the fish. Be expecting… and have the courage to walk it out with God.


“Put out into the deep and let down the nets for a catch.”

-Luke 5:4 NIV