A Dog's Unconditional Love

I hated to disappoint anyone, so I would practice until my hands would bleed. I hated failure. It seemed that everyone thought that I was more special when I succeeded. I didn’t realize it then, but I had traded unconditional love from my dog for a life of conditional acceptance based on my golf score.
— Page 27, Seven Days in Utopia

I have had many dogs in my life. The one common denominator is that they all loved me unconditionally. I really could sense the true spirit of love from them. They came to me, tail wagging, tongue hanging, nose nuzzling as soon as they saw me. I wish that I could say that I loved others with that same unconditional love. In the end we tend to judge other’s worthiness using the same scale with which we measure ourselves. It can be harsh. What a shame, that we have listened to the lies of the enemy and based our love on a number or some false measuring stick. But God… don’t you love those words… But God loves unconditionally and the knowledge of that grace is the only thing that can break the lie that I am a score that can only be loved when it is a winning score.


“But God demonstrates His own love for us in this:
while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

- Romans 5:8  NIV