A Fork in the Road

Up ahead was a fork in the road. I had to make a choice. I was in no mood to have to make a choice. The thought of it was almost overwhelming given my state of mind. I stopped. The sign’s arrow pointed right, toward the small village of Vanderpool. The other arrow pointed left, toward Utopia. I read the sign again. It did say Utopia. I was desperate for anything positive to happen. I turned left, knowing it was just the name of a town, but hoping for more.
— Page 23, Seven Days in Utopia

I’m not sure we understand the far-reaching effects of our seemingly insignificant choices in life. I am also convinced that the hand of God offers clues and signs when our mental state is compromised. Look for Him in the storms of life to deliver signs out of nowhere.


“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘this is the way: walk in it’.”

- Isaiah 30:21  NIV